Medical Music Therapy
Music therapy can uniquely address the various complex issues that arise in various medical settings including medical hospitals, skilled and intermediate care facilities, rehabilitation hospitals, adult daycare centers, senior centers, hospices, psychiatric treatment centers, and other facilities. Music therapy is an established allied health profession like physical, occupational, and speech-language therapies. Music therapists can provide one-on-one or group treatments, and may also co-treat with other disciplines as part of an interprofessional approach to optimize the patient’s plan of care.
Music therapy has a wide range of applications and can help the patient achieve optimum outcomes and improve patient satisfaction scores. For further research and specifics on what music therapists can address, please visit the AMTA Medical Music Therapy Fact Sheet
Our friends at Music Therapy Hub have helped us define what medical music therapy is compared to other forms of music service seen throughout medical settings. The video helps answer the age-old question, “Why do we need a music therapist?” To see the animation, please click on the link below!
Give us a call, text, or e-mail! For all questions and inquiries, or for medical music therapy program development, please contact us directly!